How to Pull Your Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET)

How to Pull Your Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET)

The VMET (Verification of Military Experience and Training), DD Form 2586, provides an overview of your military experience and training. You can use this document in conjunction with your DD Form 214, evaluation records, training certificates, awards, transcripts, and other documentation to:

  • Create a Resume
  • Complete a Job Application
  • Identify credit recommendations from the American Council of Education (ACE) 
  • Identify possible certification/waiver of apprenticeship requirements

To access your VMET, go to milConnect and log on with your DoD CAC or DS Logon.

  1. After you log in, select Correspondence/Document in the top menu.

  2. Select DoD Transition Assistance Program (DoDTAP) from the resulting dropdown menu.

  3. Select the VMET tab. 

  4. Select the radio button next to either VMET document (DD-2586) or Cover Letter depending on which document you want, and select the “Submit” button to download it.

    What’s the difference? The VMET (DD-2586) contains detailed descriptions and civilian equivalent job skills and training that you acquired in the military. The cover letter is intended to provide you with additional information about the VMET document, to include your Service specific information.

Please note that VMET download issues have been reported when using Safari and Edge web browsers. MilConnect recommends you use Chrome, Explorer or Firefox to successfully download your VMET documents.

The VMET document you are able to download is updated quarterly and will always contain information that lags about 3-6 months behind the current date. On your VMET, check the Date of Information (block 5) to locate the last date information for you was received from your Service.

If you have questions about your VMET, check the VMET FAQs on milConnect as they may have the information you’re looking for.

Your military training and experience may also be supported by your Joint Services Transcript. Click here to learn more about accessing your JST.

Still searching for more information regarding your VMET? Contact your installation’s Transition Readiness or Voluntary Education staff to learn more.

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