Single Marine Program
The Single Marine Program (SMP) functions to support single Marines’ leisure interests and Quality of Life (QOL) concerns. SMP serves as the voice for single Marines in identifying concerns, developing initiatives, and providing recommendations through advocacy, recreational activities, special events, and community involvement.
The Single Marine Program (SMP) was established to provide a forum for Marines to identify quality of life ideas and issues along with recommended solutions. After all, change starts from the bottom up. Through participation in the planning and coordination of programs and activities, single Marines have an opportunity to create an enjoyable and rewarding environment for themselves.
MCCS Hampton Roads at Camp Elmore has an established SMP Council that meets at least once a month. The Council is composed of unit representatives from throughout the commands we support as well as the Sergeant Major and SMP Coordinator,
With the help of motivated Single Marines, the team works to:
Plan events and trips
Organize community service projects
Resolve quality of life issues
Sponsor classes and presentations on topics relevant to single Marines
Activities and events are as diverse as the single Marines themselves. Past SMP activities include:
Paintball excursions
Ski trips
Amusement park getaways
Sporting events
Fishing trips
Single Marines also contribute tens of thousands of community service hours each year by participating in:
Habitat for Humanity
Special Olympics
Seton Yourth Center
VFW events
Many other local organizations and causes benefit from the time and service contributed by Marines who want to make a difference in their community. By sponsoring barracks bash events, personal financial management seminars, and healthy lifestyles briefs, the SMP impacts programming on base as well.
Motivated single Marines, a supportive command, and Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) staff provide the foundation for a successful program - what's missing is you! Make a difference, get involved!
Contact Information and Resources
Single Marine Program
5th Ave
Building MCA-600A
Norfolk, VA 23515
Phone: (757) 749-7897
Fax: (757) 444-6198
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