Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation

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Chaplain Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO) provides regionally based religious ministry designed to assist the Marine Corps community in developing the personal, relational, and spiritual resources necessary to increase the personal resilience of Marines and their families, and enhance mission readiness. CREDO was established in 1971, helping improve job performance and enhancing overall quality of life for active-duty service members and their families. There are 11 CREDO locations worldwide.

Offers married couples and individuals retreats promoting professional, personal, relational and spiritual growth.
Offers transformational, retreat-based and seminar-based programs designed to assist participants in developing the spiritual resources and resiliency.
Religious but not faith-group specific, and provides a venue where people of various backgrounds can strengthen individual spirituality.
Diverse community with respect to life experiences, practices and beliefs.
Programing includes Marriage Enrichment Retreat, Personal Growth Retreat, Women’s Retreat, Family Enrichment Retreat, Middle School Weekend Retreat and Warrior Resiliency Retreats.

All programs and events are available to service members free of charge.  All military married couples with a legally valid marriage are eligible to participate in CREDO marriage and family programs.  CREDO directors shall ensure that all participants have a legally valid marriage as a prerequisite for registration for these programs.

Registration for marriage and family programs should conclude far enough in advance to allow time for the CREDO director to identify a chaplain who is properly trained and qualified to conduct the retreat.  If the assignment of a different chaplain changes the conditions under which participants registered for the retreat, the CREDO director shall notify the registrants of this change and provide the registrants the opportunity to register for a different retreat. CREDO partners with Marine Corps Family Team Building to provide various services and training events to help service members and their families.  Marine and Sailors can attend classes and visit either Navy or Marine CREDO by visiting one of their websites:

Contact Information and Resources
Religious Programs


MCFTB Building MCE2
1251 Yalu Street
Norfolk, VA 23515

Phone: 7572888269

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