Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Wednesday, April 30, 2025
April Awareness Month

April is a month of opportunity to get involved. It’s the perfect time to make a world of difference and the world a better place. Take a moment to learn about what’s happening and how to get involved.
- Alcohol Awareness Month. Awareness is the first step—choose health, choose safety, choose life.
- Child Abuse Prevention Month. Every child deserves a safe, loving, and bright future—let’s stand together to protect them.
- Month of the Military Child (MOMC) Resilient, brave, and strong—military children serve too.
- National Library Week (April 6 - 12). Where stories live, knowledge grows, and imaginations soar.
- Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month. It’s on all of us to create a culture of respect, safety, and awareness.
- Volunteer Month. Small acts of kindness create waves of change—volunteer and make a difference.
Calendar of Events:
April 1. Awareness Kickoff Event. 0900-1100 @ LZ 216 field behind Base Safety. Proclamation signing with MCBH leadership. Event open to everyone aboard MCBH.
April 1. SAAPM. Day of Action - Wear Teal throughout the month of April to show your support.
April 2. EFMP Resource Fair. 1400-1600 @ Resource & Referral, Bldg 5082, Lawrence Road. Come learn about the EFMP resources available to military dependents. Sensory-Friendly event with waterbeads, snow, fingerpainting and make and take storyboards - with other giveaways.
April 4. Child Abuse Prevention. Go Blue Day! Wear your favorite blue in honor of your commitment to preventing child abuse.
April 6 – 12. National Library Week. National Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening our communities.
April 9. SAAPM. Breathe & Heal Yoga. 1000-1100 @ Kulia Fitness Center. Tools for mental and emotional well-being, supporting physical health. Register with SAPR.
April 10. National Library Week. Library Storytime. 0915 @ Base Library.
April 10. Alcohol Awareness. National Alcohol Screening Day. 1000-1300 @ Food Court & Chow Hall.
April 12. Semper Fit Color Run for a Cause. 0700. Every step helps raise awareness. Let's make a colorful impact together! Register now. To volunteer, contact ombkbayathletics@usmc-mccs.org
April 15. MOMC. PURPLE UP! On April 15th, recognize some of the military's most unsung heroes - their children. Wear purple (which represents all branches of the military, showing unity with each other).
April 16. EFMP Sensory-Friendly Storytime. 1000 @ Base Library Classroom 106. Stories & activities tailored to kids’ sensory needs.
April 16. SAAPM. Paws for Healing. 0900-1100 @ B219 Courtyard. Engage with trained therapy dogs for emotional healing and stress relief.
April 17. Alcohol Awareness. Dodgeball Tournament. 0900-1100 @ SF Main Gym Basketball Courts. Earn 10 Na Koa points per participant for your unit! Register with your unit SACO or here.
April 18. Child Abuse Prevention. FAP Family Fun Fair. 1100-1400 @ Dewey Square. Bring the family out for a day of quality time. Enjoy egg hunts by age, bubble zone, obstacle course, face painting, balloon twisting, food trucks and more!
April 22. Earth Day. Earth Day Microplastic Collage Craft. 1530 @ Base Library Classroom 106. Ages 5-12. Families encouraged to participate.
April 23. SAAPM. Empowerment & Action Self-defense Class. 0900-1100 @ Human Performance Center. Participants learn to think critically and react appropriately in high stress situations, which is a valuable skill both in and out of self-defense scenarios. Register with SAPR.
April 23. MOMC. Month of the Military Child Storytime. 1000-1100 @ Mokapu Mall. Join the library for a special story time event celebrating MOMC!
April 24. Learn & Earn. All Ranks Annual Training Fulfillment. 0900-1100 & 1300-1500 @ Classroom 7, Bldg 1090. Fulfill your Substance annual training & SAPR-related training requirements. All ranks welcome. Open forum on Alcohol Awareness, Sexual Assault Prevention and Child Abuse Prevention.
April 27. MOMC. Drive, Chip & Putt. 1300-1730 @ Klipper Golf Course. Junior Golf Competition for experienced golfers, 7-15 years old. For more information, contact the Klipper Golf Course at (808) 254-2107
April 30. SAAPM - Denim Day. Show solidarity, spread awareness, make a statement. Wear denim. Learn the history of denim day.
Schedule subject to change.